
Hiring and attracting talents: What makes great employer brand in 2024?

02.07.2024|8 min reading
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Today's biggest challenge for businesses

Recruitment and talent acquisition remains one of the biggest challenges businesses face today.

Companies are both struggling to locate the right talents and convince them to apply. Even when they manage to do it, identifying the best profiles and making the right hiring decisions often proves to be difficult. And we won’t even mention the pain of keeping talents on the long term, in a job market that’s never been as volatile as it is today and with talents continually seeking new challenges.

This is a critical issue, because the quality and the stability of a team directly influences the results a company manages to get.

However, if most companies are conscious of the situation, most fail in addressing it properly in order to solve it.

The solution seems obvious, but is hard to deploy: having a strong employer brand.

Today, candidates conduct thorough research about a company before applying, paying close attention to its reputation. They care about it for multiple reasons:

  • They want to be proud of the company they work for.
  • They know the brand’s reputation will impact their own reputation as an individual.
  • The best talents want to work in the best conditions.

All in all, having a strong employer brand will not only help you get discovered by talents, il will also help you in attracting them and convincing them to work with you.

This is why we decided to create this post, in which we will explore the essential components needed to build a robust employer brand in 2024.

Let’s dive into it.

Part 1: Defining your values

Understanding the core of your employer brand

At the heart of a great employer brand lie your company’s values and culture. These elements are crucial, for two reasons.

First, they ensure that the candidates who apply resonate with the company’s ethos, which in turn enhances job satisfaction and productivity.

Second, they provide potential candidates with a clear picture of what to expect, making your organization more appealing to those who share similar principles.

Defining your values

Defining your values should be a collaborative process involving various stakeholders, including the CEO, CMO, and employees. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you define them:

  1. Brainstorming sessions
  2. Surveys and feedback
  3. Refinement
  4. Communication

Part 2: Building your brand image

Once you’ve defined your values, it’s time to work on your visual appearance as well as what your brand’s name mean for potential hires.

Developing a compelling brand image

To attract talents, you need to leverage your brand image and reputation effectively. Your brand image encompasses everything from your website and logo to your social media presence and tone of voice. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in how potential candidates perceive your company.

We’ve seen it with one of our clients, Deltrian, for whom we completely redesigned their brand image. Since then, they’ve managed to attract multiple talents in their team.

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A well-designed website that is user-friendly and visually appealing can make a strong first impression. Your logo should be modern and professional, reflecting the company’s ethos. Social media platforms are powerful tools to showcase your company culture and values. Regularly posting engaging content can help build a loyal following and attract potential candidates who resonate with your brand.

Your tone of voice should be consistent across all communications, whether it’s a job posting, a blog article, or a social media update. This consistency helps in building a recognizable and trustworthy brand.

Enhancing your employer reputation

Your reputation as an employer is built on the experiences of your employees. A positive employee experience is critical as it influences what employees say about your company to their friends, family, and social networks.

Therefore, make sure to offer a great experience at every stage of employment. From onboarding to day-to-day work life, ensure that employees feel valued and supported.

Here are concrete actions you could consider:

  • Regularly acknowledge and reward employees’ hard work and achievements. This can be through formal recognition programs, bonuses, or simple gestures like thank-you notes.
  • Invest in employees’ growth by offering training programs, workshops, and opportunities for career advancement. Encourage a culture of continuous learning and development.
  • Promote a healthy work-life balance by offering flexible working hours, remote work options, and encouraging employees to take their entitled leave.
  • Provide health and wellness programs such as gym memberships, mental health support, and healthy snacks in the office.
  • Ensure the physical work environment is comfortable and conducive to productivity. This includes ergonomic furniture, adequate lighting, and quiet spaces for focused work.
  • Etc.

If you provide a great employee experience, make sure to encourage your talents to share their positive experiences. Testimonials and reviews, published on socials and on platforms like Glassdoor or Welcome to the Jungle, can significantly enhance your reputation.

Indeed, these platforms allow potential candidates to get an inside look at your company culture and employee satisfaction.

Part 3: Building a good recruitment process

You’ve got values, you’re looking great, and your employees love working for you. That’s good, but it’s only the beginning.

If you want a great employer brand, you also need to build an excellent recruitment process, one that will set a benchmark for your candidates.

Let’s see how you can do that in three steps.

Make job descriptions accessible

Job descriptions need to be easily accessible on your company’s website. A dedicated career page that is easy to navigate can help in this regard. Organize job listings by categories for easier browsing, and include a search bar to help candidates find specific roles.

You can’t imagine how many companies want to hire, but actually hide their job openings’ descriptions.

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Craft engaging job descriptions

You’ve made them accessible, make sure they’re pleasing to read.

A good job description should be clear, detailed, and transparent. It should start with a concise job title and summary, followed by key responsibilities and tasks. The required qualifications and skills should be clearly outlined, along with information about the company culture and values. Highlight the benefits and perks of working at your company to make the job listing more appealing.

Build the ideal recruitment process

A candidate found your job description, read it, and decided to apply. From now on, your recruitment process should be smooth and efficient.

From our perspective, here’s what an ideal recruitment process looks like:

  1. Application receipt: Once the candidate applies, make sure to acknowledge receipt of the application promptly. This can be done through an automated email response that lets the candidate know their application has been received.
  2. Initial screening: Conduct an initial screening to filter suitable candidates. This can be done through a quick phone interview or a review of the candidate’s resume and cover letter.
  3. First interview: Arrange a first interview to assess fit and qualifications. This interview can be conducted by the hiring manager and should focus on understanding the candidate’s skills and experience.
  4. Skills assessment: Include a skills assessment relevant to the role. This can be a test or a practical task that gives the candidate a chance to demonstrate their abilities.
  5. Second interview: Conduct a second interview with key stakeholders. This interview should delve deeper into the candidate’s fit within the company culture and their potential for growth within the organization.
  6. Final decision: Make a decision and communicate it clearly to the candidate. Whether they are selected or not, it’s important to provide feedback to the candidate.
  7. Offer: Send a detailed offer letter outlining the role, salary, and benefits. This letter should also include information about the next steps in the onboarding process.

Part 4: Red carpet at the entrance

That’s it! You’ve made it and you’ve hired a new team member. Now’s the time to onboard them. This is a key stage to make sure they feel welcomed and comfortable as soon as they step in the office.

What makes an excellent onboarding

The onboarding sets the tone for a new hire’s experience at your company.

Here’s how we would structure it:


The onboarding process begins even before the new hire steps into the office. Send a welcome package to the new recruit prior to their arrival. This package should include key information about the company, personalized goodies, and a detailed schedule of their first day. This approach helps the new employee familiarize themselves with the company, feel valued and visualize how their initial day will unfold.


Assigning a mentor to each new recruit is vital for their smooth transition into the company. The mentor will be available to answer questions, offer guidance, and help the new employee integrate more easily into the team and company culture. This mentorship should last through the initial months to provide continuous support.

Onboarding checklists

Create detailed onboarding checklists for both new hires and managers. These checklists should outline the steps and tasks to be completed during the first days and weeks. This structured approach ensures that nothing is overlooked and both parties have clear expectations of the onboarding process.

Office tour

Organize a guided tour of the office to show new hires where different teams are located, the common areas, the kitchen, and other important spots. This helps them get comfortable with their new work environment and understand the layout of the office.

Meeting with leadership

Plan a meeting with a member of the executive team or the CEO. This interaction allows the new employee to understand the company’s vision and strategy directly from the leaders. It also provides an opportunity for the new hire to feel connected to the company’s higher objectives and gain insights into its future direction.

By incorporating these elements into your onboarding process, you ensure that new hires feel welcomed, supported, and well-prepared to start their journey with your company. This comprehensive approach not only boosts their confidence but also enhances their overall job satisfaction and productivity from day one.


Building a great employer brand in 2024 involves defining clear values, developing a compelling brand image, creating a seamless recruitment process, and ensuring excellent onboarding and offboarding experiences.

By focusing on these areas, companies can attract and retain top talents, ultimately leading to better business outcomes. Implementing these strategies will allow you to strengthen your employer brand and stand out in the competitive job market as we know it today.

If you’re looking to attract talents, make sure to read our dedicated employer branding page. Caracal may be the best partner to help you on this matter.


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