Employer branding

want to grow my company's teams by attracting and recruiting top talents.

Regardless of the industry, all companies face the same challenge: attracting, recruiting, and retaining talent. The times when we spent our entire career in one company is long gone. Today, the typical career path has become fragmented, companies are constantly evolving, and talents have more options to shape their career. In this context, and to address these challenges, Caracal supports you in developing a strong employer brand.

Image Caracal
Image Caracal

Immersion and Audit


We begin by deeply understanding your values, culture, and ambitions.

This initial diagnosis allows us to capture the essence of what makes you a unique employer and also to identify the strengths you can leverage and the weaknesses that need to be addressed. To conduct this audit, we analyse your recruitment processes and the communication channels you use to give visibility to your job offers.

Definition of Employer Value Proposition


Determining what sets you apart from others in the market is essential to attract top talent. Together, we develop your company’s Employer Value Proposition (EVP).

This is the core of your employer brand strategy and answers a fundamental question: Why should the best candidates choose to work for you?

The answer to this question will help us develop your employer branding strategy with a solid foundation to build on.

Creating the Ideal Candidate Profile


Based on the information collected and your needs, we develop ideal candidate profiles. This step aims to precisely define the profiles of the talents you want to attract, in line with your company’s strategic objectives.

A profile typically includes the candidate’s expertise, years of experience, the sectors they have worked in, their age, compensation, geographic location, and various other criteria depending on your company’s needs.

Internal Communication and Engagement


We implement internal communication strategies to enhance the engagement of your current employees. By valuing their contribution and improving internal communication, we help turn your employees into brand ambassadors.

Indeed, attracting and recruiting candidates is only part of the job. It is still necessary to retain them and provide them with an impeccable work experience so that they stay as long as possible in your company and speak well of their work to their surroundings. This is a cornerstone of your employer brand strategy.

Sustainable Recruitment Strategy


Finally, we develop a sustainable recruitment strategy that incorporates best practices to attract and retain talent.

This includes:

  • Optimising recruitment channels,
  • Implementing a communication plan on social media,
  • Creating written and graphic content,
  • Creating career pages.

Combined, these elements strengthen your employer brand in the long term.

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